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Insulin resistance and weight gain

Weight loss mistakes

Most people try to lose their weight by eating less calories. And there’s where everything goes wrong, because low calorie diets slow the metabolism, causing the weight to come back and making it harder and harder to lose in the future. Low calories mean lowered nutrients, resulting in lowered health. To many people, losing weight and dieting are associated with eating things like these

  • Prepackaged soy – based protein powders
  • Protein bars (containing huge amounts of hidden sugars)
  • Low – calorie, nutrient – deficient, high – carb meals (think frozen low – fat dinners)
  • High – sugar/ high – carb liquid – diet shakes
  • Low – fat puffed rice cakes
  • Appetite suppressants and stimulants

Don’t buy into the low calorie, low fat myth. We’ve experienced the failure of this experiment for at least the last three decades.

Just ask any person who has yo-yo dieted most of their life they always gain MORE weight, reaching a new level of obesity they’ve never imagined. That’s because dieting slows your metabolism.

Unhealthy attempts at losing weight burn off the muscles in your legs and butt without budding that middle section. Your extra weight is not the problem; it’s a symptom of something very unhealthy going on in your body.


Insulin is the body’s main hormone switch; it determines which fuel you will use: fat or sugar. If insulin is high, no fat will be burned only sugar. If insulin is low, fat will be used exclusively as fuel.

What exactly is insulin? Insulin is a hormone (a body massage) that is made by the pancreas, which is located under your left rib cage. Look at insulin as a key that allows sugar (glucose) into your cells.

Insulin is the main fat – making hormone, and in its presence no fat can be burned.Insulin does six main things (and a lot of minor things too):

  1. It acts as a key to open the door, allowing cells to get sugar fuel.
  2. It lowers excess sugar in the blood after eating.
  3. It stores sugars in the liver and muscles. Stored glucose is called glycogen.
  4. It converts excuse sugar to fat (especially around the belly) and cholesterol.
  5. It allows protein (amino acids) into the cell.
  6. It allows minerals into the cell, especially potassium. Insulin is the main fat – making hormone, and in its presence no fat can be burned.

Eating carbohydrates is the main trigger for insulin! And if you want to lose weight, it’s important to remember that insulin is the main fat – making hormone because it converts carbs into fat especially true for belly fat and visceral fat (fat around the organs).The faster the body breaks down food into sugar, the higher the insulin response.

Insulin resistance 

Over time, an elevated blood sugar and insulin level causes your cells to block or resist insulin. Your body considers sugar to be toxic and will protect you by stopping it from entering your cells. This is called insulin resistance. It causes the problem of your cells becoming deprived of glucose fuel. So they stay hungry and crave carbs and so do you.

Insulin resistance makes your pancreas work too hard. In fact, insulin resistance forces the pancreas to produce five to seven times more insulin than it should normally. So, we have a situation where the body has way too much insulin in the blood yet the insulin is not able to do its job in the cells, either. The cells are resisting it. As a result, the body keeps making more and more insulin. High insulin is the underlying cause of the biggest health problems we experience today.

You want to lose weight, you have to reverse insulin resistance. Try eat same calorie, but more healthy fat, less carbs, moderate protein. Don’t mess up your metabolism anymore.



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