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Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM) is a field of potential diagnostic and treatment techniques which uses acupuncture and electricity to modulate, enhance, or trigger the human body to produce and secrete medicinal molecules or to regulate physiology.

first, let’s watch the video of Dr. Tracy talking about how electricity could replace your medications.

What’s an electron? It’s a subatomic particle with a negative elementary charge. Electron knowns as an anti-oxidant. It links with free radicals, which in turn neutralize any harmful potential damaging effects of the free radicals.

The Earth is a huge reservoir of electrons. If your body has lower voltage than the earth, walking barefoot on the dirt or grass will cause the electrons to flow from the earth into your body, recharging you.  Every cell is designed to run about negative 20-25 millivolts. When cells need to repair themselves, the voltage is increased to -50 millivolts. Remember that voltage always moves from an area of higher voltage to an area of lower voltage.

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis ,insomnia or digestive issues…Would you like to reduce your pain and sleep medications and improve your health? When you have low voltage it simply hurts all the time. The pain is simply a symptom of abnormal voltage. You correct it by increasing the voltage. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we believe Qi(气) as your energy. Muscles generate and store electrons, fascia and nerves are the wires. Muscles feed electrons to all the organs and tissues to aid in cellular regeneration. When there are more electrons being delivered by the electro-acupuncture with proper nutrient(谷气), cellular regeneration repair started.

There is little or no pain at all during electro-acupuncture. Because the micro-current is similar to the energy that passes through our acupuncture meridian system. Micro-current is one-millionth the strength of household current. They are compatible with the body’s bioelectrical communication system and support the self-healing feedback mechanism already present at the cellular level.

When the electron is introduced into the cells, circulation, lymphatic drainage, waste product removal and cellular metabolism improved.

Grounding research of the effects of electrons on physiology includes:

  • Diffuses inflammation
  • Reduces or eliminates chronic pain
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases energy
  • Lowers stress
  • Thins body by boosting zeta potential of the blood cells
  • Speeds healing
  • Accelerates recovery from athletic activity

Yours in good health!


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