

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a whole system of medicine that has its own diagnoses and treatments, most notably acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient medical system originating more than 3000 years ago. Modern science is beginning to verify that acupuncture regulates the nervous system, the hormonal (endocrine) system as well as boosting the immune system and bringing them back into balance. Increasingly, acupuncture is recognized as a complementary therapy to augment Western medical practices.

Acupuncturists look at the body from a different perspective than those trained in Western medicine, which means they can fill in the gaps where conventional medicine hasn’t had success. If you haven’t responded well to other treatments that you’ve tried, acupuncture might just be the missing puzzle piece that completes your health picture.

This treatment consists of the process of inserting hair-thin needles into different part of the body. Once the needles are placed, the body undergoes its own healing processes. The needles send signal to the central nervous system (your brain and spinal cord) to release anti-inflammatory agents, hormones, endorphins (the body’s natural pain killers,) boosting immunity and increasing blood circulation. Essentially, acupuncture and Chinese medicine is a holistic approach to the treatment of a wide variety of illnesses, from pain to internal disorders.

Does acupuncture hurt?

No, acupuncture rarely hurts. You might feel a momentary prick when the needle goes in, which soon turns into a dull pressure or tingling around the area during the treatment. Most people are amazed by how relaxed they feel during and after the treatment.

In our clinic, most of time we use distal needle acupuncture and balance acupuncture. The treatment is extremely safe because we avoid to put needle in the dangerous area. We use disposable needles that are discarded after one use.

What conditions are treated with acupuncture?

The World Health Organization lists more than 40 conditions for which acupuncture is appropriate therapy:

  • Digestive Conditions: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, hyperacidity and indigestion
  • Emotional Conditions: anxiety, depression, insomnia, nervousness and neurosis
  • Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat Conditions: poor vision, tinnitus and toothache
  • Gynecological Conditions: infertility, menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions: arthritis, back pain, muscle cramping, muscle pain/weakness, neck pain, sciatica…
  • Neurological Conditions: headaches, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Parkinson’s disease, postoperative pain and stroke
  • Respiratory Conditions: asthma, bronchitis, common cold, sinusitis, smoking cessation and tonsilitis
  • Miscellaneous Conditions: addiction control, athletic performance, blood pressure regulation, chronic fatigue, immune system tonification and stress reduction

How many treatments will I need?

Often pain relief is experienced instantly. There are no drugs in the acupuncture needles when providing pain relief. The relief you feel is the body’s natural healing response due to stimulation of the acupuncture points in the nervous system regulating pain and recovery.

  • For acute and excruciating pain we recommend 3-7 sessions until pain is resolved.
  • For long standing chronic pain we recommend at least 2-3 sessions per week for three weeks. Once improvements are noticed and pain has decreased to a low intensity, you may reduce to 1-2 sessions per week as recommended, until symptoms do not reappear or have improved to their maximum recovery potential.
  • For internal conditions we recommend at least 2 sessions per week until symptoms are manageable or do not reappear.
  • Dosage is the key to obtaining consistent results. Much like taking an Advil or other painkillers, the effects of medication will eventually taper off and another dose will be required for additional relief. Consistent acupuncture treatments will reestablish homeostasis or balance in the body and promote self-healing without the side effects of drugs.