Functional Nutrition


Functional nutrition and lifestyle consultation

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), everyone has a different body constitution, temperament, and health conditions, which change at different ages. TCM acknowledged the vital importance of diet and nutrition thousands of years ago and continues to rank food therapy as the first line of treatment.

What is Functional Nutrition?

While standard healthcare will try to suppress these symptoms with medication, functional nutrition sees symptoms as clues for diagnosing the primary health problems, whether they are related to diet, illnesses, medications, lifestyle factors, exposure to toxins, antibiotic use, or other factors. Just like TCM, functional nutrition treats the root and focuses on preventative holistic care.

Functional nutrition is never one-size-fits-all, because we are all biologically and genetically unique. It’s a practice of considering every aspect of one’s health, gene, diet, lab test results and overall lifestyle when giving patients a holistic health plan.

In our clinic, we understand the whole person, address those signs, symptoms or diagnosis manifested. We teach patients how to use specific food or supplement as natural medicine. We educate them on why their health challenges arose and on how to take back control of their own health. We fill the GAP that exists between the physician and the patient. For severe symptoms, we combine acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help patient quickly restore balance, heal the gut, and more.
